New Scholarship Portal
More than 85 percent of the students who attend Coastal Georgia receive some type of financial aid. This aid is funded through federal, state, outside scholarships and institutional scholarship funds. Coastal Georgia has many dedicated donors who continue to graciously fund our scholarships that enable us to assist more than 500 students with scholarship funds. During the 2023-2024 academic year, our scholarship awards varied from $150.00 to $11,800.00, totaling more than $700,000 for the year.
The College of Coastal Georgia has teamed up with Scholarship Universe to provide a streamlined application process that maximizes the opportunity for our students to receive scholarship dollars. The new application provides the following features:
If you have questions, feel free to contact us at 912-279-5802, or email
To begin the application process, you must be an active Coastal Georgia student (current or admitted), and have access to your student ID and password. For questions about your admissions status, contact the Office of Admissions at 912-279-5701, or email
New Scholarship Portal
The scholarship application for new freshmen for 2025-2026 is now available.
If you are planning to attend in 2025-2026, please see below.
Freshmen Application deadline for each round:
*Must be registered for Summer Orientation by this date to be considered.
Scholarship offers announced for each round:
Notifications of scholarship offers will be emailed to your student email first, followed by an email to your personal email. You can also log back into the scholarship portal at any time to see if an offer has been made to you. There is a deadline to accept and complete the additional requirements, so be on the lookout for those emails.
The Freshmen Scholarship application will close on July 1.
Application Deadline: TBD based on availability of scholarship portal.
*Must be registered for Spring 2026 classes by this date to be considered.
Spring Scholarship offers announced: on or around January 1
Notifications of scholarship offers will be emailed to your student email first, followed by an email to your personal. You can also log back into the scholarship portal at any time to see if an offer has been made to you. There is a deadline to accept and complete the additional requirements, so be on the look out for those emails.
The Returning & Transfer Scholarship Application is currently open. To access the scholarship application, please head over to the scholarship portal.
Application Deadline: TBD based on availability of the scholarship portal.
*Must be registered for Spring 2026 classes by this date to be considered.
Spring Scholarship offers announced on or around January 1.
Notifications of scholarship offers will be emailed to your student email first, followed by an email to your personal email. You can also log back into the scholarship portal at any time to see if an offer has been made to you. There is a deadline to accept and complete the additional requirements, so be on the lookout for those emails.
Application deadline for each round:
*Must be registered for Summer 2026 classes by this date to be considered.
Scholarship offers announced per round:
Notifications of scholarship offers will be emailed to your student email first, followed by an email to your personal email. You can also log back into the scholarship portal at any time to see if an offer has been made to you. There is a deadline to accept and complete the additional requirements, so be on the lookout for those emails.
Application deadline for each round:
*Must be registered for Fall 2025 by this date to be considered.
Scholarship offers announced per round:
Notifications of scholarship offers will be emailed to your student email first, followed by an email to your personal email. You can also log back into the scholarship portal at any time to see if an offer has been made to you. There is a deadline to accept and complete the additional requirements, so be on the lookout for those emails.
The Scholarship application will close on July 1.
Scholarship Interview Day will be held Saturday, April 26, 2025 in the Gould Memorial Library on the Brunswick Campus. Check in begins at 10:30 a.m. and interviews start at 11 a.m.
The College of Coastal Georgia rewards incoming freshmen students by automatically awarding $1,200 in scholarship dollars to high achieving students. To qualify for these awards, students must meet the following criteria:
Scholarship awards are $1,200 for one year and paid in equal parts for fall and spring semesters.
Q: Will this scholarship automatically be applied to my account?
A: No. You must complete the College’s general scholarship application by February 1 to qualify. If you meet the scheduled criteria, you will be offered the scholarship, but the award will not be applied to your account until you complete the Award Acceptance process (i.e. survey, thank you letter, etc.) on or before May 1. Watch your Coastal Georgia email for instructions on how to do this.
Q: What if I complete my scholarship application after February 1?
A: You may still be considered for other competitive scholarships from the College, but you won’t be guaranteed the High Achiever Freshmen Scholar Award.
Q: Is this scholarship renewable after my freshman year?
A: No. The High Achiever Freshmen Scholar scholarship is only for your freshmen year. Students are encouraged to complete the scholarship application process each year to qualify for other scholarship opportunities we award at the College. Typically, High Achiever Freshman Scholars are very competitive for other departmental and institutional scholarships.
Q: Will I receive $1,200 per year or $1,200 per semester?
A: Your $1,200 scholarship will be split equally between the fall and spring semesters – $600 each semester.
Q: Are there requirements in order to receive the scholarship for both the fall and spring semester?
A: Yes, in order to receive funding, students must maintain good academic and financial aid standing.
Q: What if I enter the College for the first time in the summer term? Will I qualify for this scholarship?
A: Maybe. Students first entering the College in the summer term after they graduate from high school will qualify for the program, but the scholarship will not pay until the start of the following Fall term.
Q: If I receive the High Achiever Freshman Scholar scholarship, will I be considered for other scholarship opportunities through the College?
A: Probably not. Typically, students selected for the High Achiever Freshmen Scholar scholarship are not considered for other Coastal Georgia scholarships. In the rare occasion you are, we will award you the higher of the two scholarships. The High Achiever Freshmen Scholar scholarship cannot be “stacked” with other institutional academic scholarships.
Q: Once I’m awarded this scholarship, is there anything else I have to do?
A: Yes! We will ask that you go through the scholarship acceptance process, which includes your answering a few questions and submitting a well-written thank you note. Be on the lookout in your Coastal Georgia email for more information about this process. This must be completed by May 1 or the High Achiever Freshman Scholar scholarship will be revoked.
Q: Who do I contact if I have questions about this program?
A: General questions can be directed to or by calling the Financial Aid Office at 912-279-5722. For information about test scores, contact the Office of Admissions at or 912-279-5701.
Grants are gift aid that is not repaid. Only undergraduates who have not previously received a bachelor’s degree are eligible. Grants are awarded to those who exhibit exceptional financial need and apply for aid by the priority filing date.
HOPE (Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally) is Georgia’s unique scholarship program that rewards students with financial assistance in degree, diploma, and certificate programs at eligible Georgia public and private colleges and universities, as well as public technical colleges.
HOPE is funded entirely by the Georgia Lottery for Education, which also funds Georgia’s statewide pre-kindergarten program. Since the HOPE Program began in 1993, over $3.5 billion in HOPE funds have been awarded to more than 1 million students attending Georgia’s colleges, universities, and technical colleges. You can benefit from HOPE in several ways.
Georgia’s HOPE Scholarship is available to Georgia residents who have demonstrated academic achievement at the high school and/or college level. The scholarship provides funds to assist with tuition for students who are pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree in Georgia’s public and private colleges and universities.
Students who become HOPE eligible for the first time or students who have lost HOPE and again become eligible must apply or reapply for HOPE at, while those who have lost HOPE must also complete the HOPE Priority Evaluation form. Transfer students with HOPE eligibility must also complete the form to maintain their eligibility at Coastal Georgia. Both of these forms are found on the portal under Financial Aid forms on the HOME page.
Financial Aid Forms:
To receive HOPE Scholarship funding, students must:
Effective Fall 2017, when calculating the HOPE Scholarship postsecondary GPA, an additional weight of 0.5 will be added to grades of B, C, and D for approved degree level science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses taken at an eligible postsecondary institution Fall 2017 or later.
Funding provided to HOPE scholars varies by type of institution.
A college degree-seeking student is ineligible for the HOPE Scholarship if the student has:
Students may apply by completing the online application.
The Zell Miller Scholarship is a Georgia scholarship program that is funded by the Georgia Lottery for Education. It is a reward for scholastic achievement and an incentive to continue working hard in school. The program rewards exemplary performance in high school with tuition scholarships at Georgia public and private colleges and technical schools.
Zell Miller will pay 100% of the standard tuition rate (this does not include any fees) for each Georgia public and private colleges and technical schools.
Effective Fall 2017, when calculating the HOPE Scholarship postsecondary GPA, an additional weight of 0.5 will be added to grades of B, C, and D for approved degree level science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses taken at an eligible postsecondary institution Fall 2017 or later. Click here for more information about STEM.
The College of Coastal Georgia receives a variety of applications from private sources for scholarships.
The federal work study (FWS) program is designed to provide students the chance to pay part of their educational expenses by working at a part-time job. To be employed under this program, the student must show evidence of financial need, enroll in a Title IV eligible program, attend a mandatory interview, and maintain good academic standing while employed under the program. The hourly wage must be at least the current federal minimum wage and is based on fund availability. Please visit Human Resources to see current FWS employment opportunities.
This program, sponsored entirely by the College of Coastal Georgia, employs students on a part-time basis in most departments on campus. Financial need is not a major determinant, although it is not entirely disregarded. For more information, please contact the specific office or department where you would like to work.
The mission of the Veterans Services staff at the College of Coastal Georgia is to cultivate a campus community for veterans who are well-informed about the benefits they have earned; a community in which the transition from service to student is made as smoothly as possible so that our veterans can be focused and committed to academic success. We strive to engage all veterans in campus-wide programs and activities that will enhance their college experience and all aspects of their educational goals. We commit ourselves to helping veterans build a solid foundation for their future through a veteran-friendly campus environment. College of Coastal Georgia serves a diverse group of military personnel, their family members, and veterans with disabilities. Our students are from all branches of the armed forces including active and inactive reserve units.
Mandy Lesseig
Admissions Counselor
Valeska Carter
Financial Aid Specialist
School Certifying Official
Pell Grants are need-based grants awarded to eligible undergraduate students who do not have a bachelor’s degree. Award amounts are based on the assumption of full-time enrollment. Award amounts may be reduced for less than full-time enrollment. Funding is provided by the U.S. Department of Education.
Click here to apply for the Pell Grant
The amount of Federal Pell Grant funds a student may receive over his or her lifetime is limited by a new federal law to be the equivalent of six years of Pell Grant funding. Since the maximum amount of Pell Grant funding a student can receive each year is equal to 100 percent, the six-year equivalent is 600 percent.
How is my Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used calculated?
Of course, if a student’s LEU equals or exceeds 600 percent, the student may no longer receive Pell Grant funding. Similarly, a student whose LEU is greater than 500 percent but less than 600 percent, while eligible for a Pell Grant for the next award year, will not be able to receive a full scheduled award.
How can I see my Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) percentage?
How can I learn more about Pell grants?
For more information about Pell grants and how much you might receive in a year, click here. If you have questions regarding your Pell Grant or the LEU, you can also contact our office at 912.279.5722.
SEOG is awarded to undergraduate students who do not have a bachelor’s degree and who demonstrate exceptional financial need. Award amounts vary and preference is given to students who apply before May 1. Student must complete the FAFSA to be considered for SEOG. Funding is provided by the U.S. Department of Education.
The maximum FSEOG award is $4,000 per year. Each recipient’s award amount varies depending upon the expected family contribution compared to the cost of attendance, the number of hours in which the student is enrolled. Generally, eligible students are awarded $450 for the academic year.
All eligible students who complete the FAFSA before May 1 are considered for SEOG.
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant is awarded by Coastal Georgia to students who are completing coursework to begin a career in teaching and who agree to serve for a minimum of four years as a full-time, highly-qualified, high-need field teacher in a low-income school. Funding is provided by The US Department of Education.
Eligible full-time students may receive up to $4,000 per year in TEACH Grand funds (up to $2,000 per semester); up to a maximum of $8,000 for undergraduate study only.
Upon completing your degree, you MUST complete TEACH Grant Exit Counseling here. If students awarded the TEACH Grant do not complete the four years of qualified teaching service within eight years of completing the course of study for which the TEACH Grant was received or otherwise fail to meet any other requirement of the TEACH Grant, the grant will convert into a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan, with interest accrued and capitalized from the date of original disbursement.