College of Coastal Georgia Police Department

It is the mission of the College of Coastal Georgia Police Department to provide a safe and secure campus community. This is accomplished by establishing positive partnerships, promoting open communication, exhibiting excellence in public safety practices and providing outstanding customer service. In compliance with federal law, the College of Coastal Georgia Police Department makes available crime statistics and a daily log. We would appreciate your comments, observations, information and input leading toward our goal of protecting the College.

Law Enforcement Authority Statement

The College of Coastal Georgia (CCGA) Department of Public Safety is a certified state police agency. All officers employed by CCGA are equivalent to the police or law enforcement officers employed in Glynn County. Campus police officers are authorized to make arrests for violations of state law and local ordinances, obtain and execute search warrants, and enforce traffic laws. The jurisdiction of campus police officers, as defined by Georgia law, is public or private property under the control of the USG Board of Regents plus 500 yards. Officers may operate beyond the 500 yards if they are pursuing an individual; assistance is requested from a surrounding agency with whom CCGA has a mutual aid agreement. The Department of Public Safety works regularly with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.

If you have witnessed a crime, or if you know of a crime that was committed or will be committed, simply fill out and submit the form below. A member of the College of Coastal Georgia Police Department will investigate the information provided. You will not be contacted unless you provide your contact information. All tips will remain anonymous.

Report Anonymous Tip

The College of Coastal Georgia Police Department provides law enforcement services to both the Brunswick and Camden campuses. We are a full service police department currently staffing a dozen, full-time state-certified officers and several part-time officers from surrounding agencies. We operate 24/7, 365 days a year.

We respond to all calls for police service to include reports of theft, violence, motor vehicle collisions, and escorts. We even offer a vehicle unlock and battery jump start service, free of charge.

Reporting Emergencies

In case of an emergency, dial 911.

  • In the event of fire:
    • Pull the fire alarm if one is available and start an orderly evacuation (even for small fires, a closed room can reach 1,500 degrees within three minutes).
    • If you are trained in the use of portable fire extinguishers, and it is safe to do so, attempt to put out the fire.
    • If the fire is too large for the use of a portable extinguisher, do not consider trying to extinguish it yourself. Evacuate the room and close the door.
    • From a safe location, call the public safety officer at 912.258.3133 immediately.
  • In the event of fire alarm activations
    • Notify building officials that you have heard a fire alarm activation.
    • Call the public safety officer at 912.258.3133 to report the exact location of the fire alarm.
  • First Aid:
    • Emergency medical service is coordinated through the Public Safety Office in order to facilitate emergency response by local agencies which may not be familiar with campus. Contact 912.258.3133 if there is an emergency.
    • Police officers will not transport sick or injured passengers in Coastal Georgia police vehicles. If you are in need of an ambulance, one will be dispatched to your location by the campus police department.
  • Chemical Spills:
    • Don’t try to clean up a chemical spill unless you know the chemical(s) involved, the protective equipment and materials needed, and how to proceed without endangering yourself or others. In the event of a spill:
      • Give first aid (if you are trained to do so) to the injured person.
      • Confine the spill by spreading absorbent material around the spill area.
      • If flammable liquids are spilled, extinguish all sources of ignition (such as Bunsen burners) and do not turn on any electrical switches (such as lights) or equipment.
      • Notify the campus police at 912.258.3133.
  • Hazardous Gas Leaks:
    • For known or suspected gas leaks:
      • Turn off the gas source, if possible.
      • Extinguish sources of ignition. Do not turn on any electrical devices (such as lights).
      • Evacuate the room and shut the door.
  • Suspicious Packages:
    • The College of Coastal Georgia’s Police Department has access to the Bomb Squad at Kings Bay Navel Base. The Bomb Squad has the equipment and training to investigate and resolve incidents involving suspicious items. If you receive or observe a suspicious letter or package:
      • Do not panic and do not open it. If you have opened it, remain calm.
      • If you are on campus, dial 912.258.3133. If you are off campus, call your local police or 911.
  • Bomb Threats:
    • Bomb threats usually come by telephone. If you receive such a call, remain calm and elicit as much information as possible from the caller. Ask the following:
      • When will the bomb explode?
      • What kind of bomb is it?
      • What will cause it to explode?
      • Where is it right now?
      • What does it look like?
      • Did you place the bomb? Who did?
      • Why did they place the bomb?
      • What is your address?
      • What is your name?
    • Call campus police immediately at 912.258.3133 to report the information you have obtained. It would be helpful to describe the caller’s voice, any background noises you heard, and the exact wording of the message.

Bomb threat checklist

Do’s and Don’ts in an Emergency:
  • Do report your name, phone number, location or address, and the natural of the emergency.
  • Do avoid panic by staying calm, using common sense, and rendering assistance where needed.
  • Do evacuate buildings in an orderly and rapid fashion upon the request of authorities, activation of fire alarm, or if a situation becomes life-threatening.
  • Do seek out and remember the locations of at least two exits you could use in an emergency.
  • Do Not use the telephone for reasons other than emergency purposes.
  • Do Not use elevators in case of fire.
  • Do Not jeopardize your life or the lives of others by attempting to save property.
  • Do Not cross police barriers without authorization.
  • Do Not delay in reporting an emergency to the campus police department.
  • In the event of fire:
    • Pull the fire alarm if one is available and start an orderly evacuation (even for small fires, a closed room can reach 1,500 degrees within three minutes).
    • If you are trained in the use of portable fire extinguishers, and it is safe to do so, attempt to put out the fire.
    • If the fire is too large for the use of a portable extinguisher, do not consider trying to extinguish it yourself. Evacuate the room and close the door.
    • From a safe location, call the public safety officer at 912.258.3133 immediately.
  • In the event of fire alarm activations
    • Notify building officials that you have heard a fire alarm activation.
    • Call the public safety officer at 912.258.3133 to report the exact location of the fire alarm.
  • First Aid:
    • Emergency medical service is coordinated through the Public Safety Office in order to facilitate emergency response by local agencies which may not be familiar with campus. Contact 912.258.3133 if there is an emergency.
    • Police officers will not transport sick or injured passengers in Coastal Georgia police vehicles. If you are in need of an ambulance, one will be dispatched to your location by the campus police department.
  • Chemical Spills:
    • Don’t try to clean up a chemical spill unless you know the chemical(s) involved, the protective equipment and materials needed, and how to proceed without endangering yourself or others. In the event of a spill:
      • Give first aid (if you are trained to do so) to the injured person.
      • Confine the spill by spreading absorbent material around the spill area.
      • If flammable liquids are spilled, extinguish all sources of ignition (such as Bunsen burners) and do not turn on any electrical switches (such as lights) or equipment.
      • Notify the campus police at 912.258.3133.
  • Hazardous Gas Leaks:
    • For known or suspected gas leaks:
      • Turn off the gas source, if possible.
      • Extinguish sources of ignition. Do not turn on any electrical devices (such as lights).
      • Evacuate the room and shut the door.
  • Suspicious Packages:
    • The College of Coastal Georgia’s Police Department has access to the Bomb Squad at Kings Bay Navel Base. The Bomb Squad has the equipment and training to investigate and resolve incidents involving suspicious items. If you receive or observe a suspicious letter or package:
      • Do not panic and do not open it. If you have opened it, remain calm.
      • If you are on campus, dial 912.258.3133. If you are off campus, call your local police or 911.
  • Bomb Threats:
    • Bomb threats usually come by telephone. If you receive such a call, remain calm and elicit as much information as possible from the caller. Ask the following:
      • When will the bomb explode?
      • What kind of bomb is it?
      • What will cause it to explode?
      • Where is it right now?
      • What does it look like?
      • Did you place the bomb? Who did?
      • Why did they place the bomb?
      • What is your address?
      • What is your name?
    • Call campus police immediately at 912.258.3133 to report the information you have obtained. It would be helpful to describe the caller’s voice, any background noises you heard, and the exact wording of the message.
Citizen Complaint


The goals of the Coastal Georgia Police Department are to improve the quality of services provided, to promote a high level of public confidence, and to enhance and maintain the professional integrity of the department and its members. In furtherance of these goals, members of the department are expected to perform their duties within the boundaries of established contemporary legal and ethical standards. The department is committed to establishing and promoting these standards through clear, written policy statements, rules and regulations, and through the thorough and impartial investigation of all allegations of misconduct or complaints regarding the directives of the department.

Summary of the Complaint Process:

After your complaint is filed, an investigating officer will be assigned by the President of the College to promptly gather all information pertinent to each allegation of misconduct outlined in the complaint. The final disposition will be made by the President and others within the chain of command of the officer involved. When complaints are found to be sustained, appropriate administrative and/or disciplinary action will be taken.

You have the right to raise concerns about an officer’s conduct. While College of Coastal Georgia police officers must be free to exercise their best judgement and to initiate enforcement actions in a reasonable manner, they must do so in a way that demonstrates respect for the environment and the community in which they perform these functions. Enforcers of the law have a special obligation to respect the rights of others.

The College may find after a complete investigation that there is not enough evidence present to warrant administrative or disciplinary action against the employee named in the complaint. Nonetheless, you have the right to make the complaint and to have it investigated if you believe an officer acted improperly.

Following the completion of the investigation, you will be notified in writing of the investigative findings and whether the allegations were sustained. In light of an employee’s right to privacy, you will not be notified of any specific actions taken against an employee based on your complaint.

Complaints made against College of Coastal Georgia police officers, as well as any reports and findings relating to those complaints, will be retained by the department for a period of at least five years.

Citizen Complaint Procedure Form:

Any person who knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or makes or uses any false writing or document, knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of state government or of the government of any county, city, or other political subdivision of this state shall, upon conviction thereof is guilty of a felony (O.C.G.A. 16-10-20).

Any person reporting to a peace officer an offense or incident within the officer’s concern knowing that the offense or incident did not occur; or a person making a report to a peace officer relating to an offense or incident within the officer’s concern, knowing that he/she has no information relating to the offense of incident, upon conviction thereof is guilty of a misdemeanor. (O.C.G.A. 16-10-26).

Citizen complaint form

Parking Regulations

Parking Regulations:

Vehicle Registration:

All students (credit and non-credit) must register their vehicles. Credit students may obtain a permit for $30.00 at the Bursars Office. For non-credit students, the parking fee for one vehicle is included in the course fee. Additional cars may be registered for $30.00 each. The parking decal must be affixed to and visible from the rear of the vehicle. It may be applied to the rear window, bumper, or body of the registered vehicle. The decal number must be visible. If for some reason the student must drive an unregistered vehicle, he/she should carry a temporary permit at the Business Office before parking.

Parking and Speed Limit:

Student parking is available in Lot B (west of the Coffin Gym), Lot C (east of the Andrews Center), and Lot E (at the Conference Center). Parking in the small lot at the Campus Center is restricted to campus visitors only. Students with a disability should contact the Office of Student Affairs for information regarding special parking privileges. Parking is only allowed in designated spaces and areas; it is not permitted on roadways, sidewalks, crosswalks, or curbed areas. Traffic flow directions are clearly marked.

Monetary Penalties:

The following monetary penalties will be levied for the violations which are listed, in lieu of disciplinary action, by college officials or college committees:

  • Failure to register vehicle/display decal $ 10.00
  • Improper display of decal $ 5.00
  • All moving violations $ 25.00
  • Parking in a Fire Lane $ 50.00
  • Parking in handicapped area $ 100.00
  • Parking in a restricted area: 1st offense $ 20.00
  • 2nd offense $ 20.00
  • 3rd offense $ 20.00 – Disciplinary Action

Fines must be paid to the Bursars Office, located in the Andrews Building, within five business days of the violation. Students who do not pay fines promptly will have their student records placed on hold until payment is received.

Fire Safety

Remember, in an emergency, dial 9+258+3133 from campus phones, or 912.258.3133 from public or off-campus phones. This will reach the on-duty public safety officer. If that officer is unavailable, please call 911 immediately. In all cases of fire, the Public Safety Department must be notified immediately. Here are some things to keep in mind in the event of a fire:

  • Know the location of fire extinguishers, building exits, and alarm systems in your area, and know how to use them. Training and information are available through the Campus Police/Campus Safety Department at extension 65820.
  • If a minor fire appears controllable, remove a fire extinguisher from its holder, pull the pin, aim the nozzle at the base of the fire, and squeeze the lever to emit the extinguishing agent. Notify campus police immediately.
  • If an emergency exists (or the fire is apparently not containable), activate the building alarm and contact campus police immediately. Caution: Each building’s alarm sounds only in that building.
  • When the building evacuation/fire alarm is sounded, walk quickly to the nearest EXIT and alert others to do the same. Close all doors to confine the fire. Take all personal items with you.
  • Assist the disabled in exiting the building. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS DURING A FIRE. Smoke is the greatest danger in a fire. If needed, stay near the floor and crawl to the exit.
  • Once outside, move to a clear area at least 500 feet away. Keep streets, fire hydrants, and walkways clear for emergency personnel.
  • A Campus Incident Command Post may be set up near the emergency site. Keep clear of the command post unless you have official business.
  • Do not return to an evacuated building unless authorized by a college official.

Note: If you become trapped in a building during a fire, and a window is available, place an article of clothing (shirt, coat, etc) outside the window as a marker for rescue crews. If there is no window, stay near the floor where the air will be less toxic. Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your location.


College of Coastal Georgia Fire Drill Policy
College Fire Safety Forum
Dormitory Fires
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Safety 101
Residential Structure and Building Fires (U.S. Fire Administration)
Structure Fires in Dormitories, Fraternities, Sororities, and Barracks
Structure Fires in Dormitories, Fraternities, Sororities, and Barracks (fact sheet)
Workplace Fire Prevention Tips



Campus Firewatch
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Glynn County Emergency Management
Glynn County Fire Department
National Fire Protection Agency
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
United States Fire Administration

Crime Prevention Tips

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is practiced at the College of Coastal Georgia. Campus police are called upon to assist in future buildings and their designs to ensure the utmost safety and security measures are in place for our students, faculty, and staff.

Our department has specially-trained campus crime prevention officers. They conduct classes for the campus community covering topics such as personal safety, internet security, safety while traveling, theft deterrents and anti drug campaigns. They offer risk assessments to buildings, parking lots and other area of the campus. Our crime prevention officers also meet and greet all new students as well as parents during orientation programs. This allows the newest members of our community to get to know their officers and understand the how to stay safe while attending the College of Coastal Georgia.

Crime Prevention Tips:
  • Lock your vehicles and dormitory rooms.
  • Use a U-type lock on your bicycles.

  • Stay in well lit areas and try to travel in pairs.

  • Never leave your laptop, phone or books laying in an area unsecured.

  • Keep minimal amounts of cash on your person.

  • Don’t leave high dollar items in plain view in vehicles.

  • Report any and all suspicious activity to Campus Police at 258-3133.

  • If you SEE something, SAY something!

  • Computer and phone scams are a common problem for college students, If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Stay Informed
You can stay up to date on events by signing up for the following:
  • Nixle Emergency Text Notification System. This is a text messaging service. Text CCGA to 888777. Follow the instructions you receive and you will be updated on emergency notifications such as school/class closures, severe weather updates and active threats.
  • Facebook. Our Facebook page is updated anytime an event takes place. These events can be related to the emergencies mentioned above as well as social events, criminal activity in the area and traffic issues.
  • Call us. 912-258-3133 or 912-279-5820. An officer on duty will be able to notify you of an ongoing issue or be able to direct you accordingly.
Additional Public Safety Resources

Additional Resources

Coastal Georgia Emergency Management Plan provides resources and information on procedures, communication, and guidelines for various types of campus emergency situations.

Coastal Georgia Missing Persons Policy contains the official notification procedures of the College of Coastal Georgia for missing students who reside in campus housing, in accordance with the requirements of Section 485(j) of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA).

For crime statistic information specific to neighboring areas of the campus, please contact the Brunswick and Glynn County Police Departments (Brunswick Campus) or the Kingsland Police Department (Camden Center).

For information regarding registered sex offenders in Georgia see
Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) Sex Offender Registry
Glynn County Sheriff Sex Offenders List

All College community participants are strongly urged to register their mobile cell phones with the CCGA Nixle Emergency Text Notification System. To sign up for this free service, simply text “CCGA” to 888-777. Standard text messaging rates apply.

You may have noticed emergency call boxes in the parking lots on the Brunswick Campus, the Camden Center, and Coastal Place Apartments. Emergency call boxes have been installed for your safety and convenience in each lot.

Upon activation (press the button), the on duty Campus Police Officer will be contacted by his/her cell phone. These call boxes allow direct voice interchange between the party in need of assistance and the officer. Please only use this emergency system for appropriate emergency situations.

Clery Compliance

To address campus safety and security at post-secondary institutions, Congress enacted the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, which amended the Higher Education Act of 1965.


A Message from the Chief of Police

Every day, members of the College of Coastal Georgia Police Department are working hard to keep our campus safe. Our officers and associates can go above and beyond the normal call of duty in the line of work and the Department may never find out about them.

We encourage individuals who have been affected by these actions to submit commendation recommendations and to share positive interactions with police department personnel.

Please take a moment to commend a police officer.

Police Department Contact:

Brunswick Campus:
  • For emergencies, dial 911.
  • Non-emergency Cell Phone:
  • College of Coastal Georgia Dept. of Public Safety
    One College Drive
    Brunswick, Georgia 31520

Camden Campus:
  • For emergencies, dial 911.
  • Non-emergency Cell Phone:
  • College of Coastal Georgia Dept. of Public Safety
    8001 Lakes Blvd
    Kingsland, Georgia 31548