By: Tiffany King
August 31, 2021

Congratulations to Professor of English and Director of the Writing Center Dr. Jennifer Gray on being published in the Currents in Teaching and Learning academic journal, published by Worcester State University.

In 2018, Gray received the Summer Research Stipend to transform a conference presentation into an article. After several revisions, then delays due to the pandemic, her article was finally published. Her article is entitled, “Slow Writing: Student Perspectives on Time and Writing in First-Year Composition Courses” and explores how students rush through writing papers due to the pressure of time constraints. To address this issue, Gray introduces applying a slow writing approach to alleviate that pressure, which can allow students to fully experience the writing process.

Gray hopes that those who read her article will apply the slower approach to many different aspects of their lives.

“We are often encouraged or expected to be busy and to fill every available moment with some sort of task,” Gray said. “Slowing down to be in the moment can help us be fully present in our experiences and make connections with others.”

Gray’s article can be found here.