College prepares for Kids in College camps

May 29, 2017
By: Tedi Rountree

Brunswick, GA – In June and July, the College of Coastal Georgia’s classrooms will be filled with elementary and middle school students for its Kids in College program.

Designed to offer academic instruction with fun and meaningful, hands-on activities, the annual summer enrichment program mainly focuses on STEM, Fine Arts, Leadership and Sports, serving students between the ages of 8 years and 13 years.

The curriculum, which has been developed by certified educators, entails a combination of morning classroom instruction, late afternoon activities and field experiences, which includes both on and off campus excursions.

The first session will be STEM 1 on June 5-9, followed by Fine Arts 1 on June 12-16, Leadership on June 19-23, and Sports on June 26-30.

“The Brunswick Kids in College camps will each be a great weeklong experience that will combine both learning and fun,” said Ginger Chaffinch, Director of Recreation and Wellness. “We will spend time on campus doing crafts, activities and experiments, and we will also go on field trips to explore other places.”

In addition to the Brunswick campus, a Kids in College camp will be offered at the Camden Center, said Dr. Jennifer Hatchel, Associate Professor of Biology.

“This Kids in College event is the first summer camp we have hosted at the Camden Center. It is unique in that the students will experience both culinary and STEM activities during the two-week period,” Hatchel said.

Some of the sessions will allow students to explore both at the same time.

“For example, baking bread requires math skills for measuring ingredients and a basic understanding of metabolism to explain how yeast makes bread rise,” Hatchel added. “We hope it will be a fun and exciting experience for everyone involved, and I would love for us to be able to offer a summer camp as an annual event.”

The STEM 2 camp will be held on July 10-14, and the Fine Arts 2 camp will begin July 17-21. Students are encouraged to bring a bagged lunch, water, snacks and sunscreen (if applicable). An afternoon snack and drink will be provided by the camp daily.

Registration costs $170 per camper, per week. There are 30 spaces per camp available with each session running from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Drop-off begins at 8 a.m. and a late pick-up option (4:30-5:30 p.m.) is available. For more information or to register for a session, contact Chaffinch at 912-279-5813 or email

Contact: Brittany Tate

(912) 279-5938