Welcome to Camden Center

The College of Coastal Georgia’s Camden Center offers quality higher education in Camden County.

“The Camden Center – close to home and affordable.”

The Camden Center is an off-campus instructional site of the College of Coastal Georgia, located just a few miles north of the Florida border, in Kingsland. The site provides a regular schedule of day, evening, and online classes for the convenience of students from Camden, Charlton, Brantley, and Nassau, Florida counties, who attend the College.

Classes span the core courses for business, education, the humanities and social sciences, math, natural sciences and health sciences.

The College of Coastal Georgia began offering classes in Camden County in 1983, initially on the Kings Bay military base. The 101,000 square-foot Camden Center opened in May 2004, featuring a beautiful rotunda, a 270-seat auditorium, classrooms, chemistry and biology laboratories, full-service library/learning center, a teaching kitchen, and demonstration dining room.

The Camden Center provides personal service to help all students start or continue their college career, especially those affiliated with the military, new freshmen – first generation students, as well as transfers, dual enrollment, and adult learners.

Joseph Lodmell is the Director of the Camden Center.

Main Office

8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

8001 Lakes Blvd.
Kingsland, GA 31548
Telephone: 912.510.3300
Fax: 912.576.9228


9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

John Kissinger, Librarian
2nd Floor Rotunda