With the growing diversity of our campus, many students use names other than their given/legal name for a variety of personal or cultural reasons. To better serve our students and faculty, we have created the option to add a Preferred First Name to specific College applications that are used by our students in the course of College business and education.
Students may request this service through the online Change of Name, Address, Telephone and Email form in the Registrar’s Office. The form is located in the portal under Student Forms/Registrar Forms.
The Preferred Name replaces usage of the given/legal first name in the following College systems:
Preferred names will not be used in cases where the College is required to use the legal name, including but not limited to financial aid documents, official transcripts, diplomas, payroll records, and federal immigration documents. Visit the FAQs below for more information.
What is a preferred name?
A preferred name is the chosen name a student wishes to be called instead of their legal first name (e.g. Beth vs. Elizabeth). Surnames, or last names, can be changed only with a legal name change.
What is a legal name?
A legal name is the name that appears on your passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, or U.S. Social Security Card.
Why do we offer a preferred name option?
With the growing diversity of our campus, many students use names other than their given name for a variety of personal or cultural reasons. To better serve our students, we have created the option to add a preferred name to specific college applications that are used by students.
Do I have to use a preferred name?
No. Use of a preferred name is optional.
Where will my preferred name appear?
Where will my legal name be used?
Your legal name will be used in business and other processes that require the College to use your legal name. These include:
Are there restrictions for my preferred name?
Yes, preferred name requests will be reviewed by the Registrar’s Office. The College reserves the right to remove a preferred name if it contains inappropriate or offensive language. Preferred names may not be used for purposes of fraud or misrepresentation. Individuals found to have abused the preferred name service may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the appropriate College handbook.
Will my preferred name appear in the College of Coastal Georgia directory information?
Yes, your preferred name will appear in the College Directory along with your given/legal unless you request a FERPA information block.
Does a preferred first name approval by the College affect my legal name?
No. An approved preferred name by the College of Coastal Georgia does not change your legal name.
How do I request or change my preferred name?
Students may request this service through the online Change of Name, Address, Telephone and Email form in the Registrar’s Office. The form is located in the portal under Student Forms/Registrar Forms.
If I request a preferred name, who will have access to my legal name?
College administrators, Campus Safety, faculty, and your supervisor (if you are employed in a campus job) will have access to your legal and preferred names.
If I request a preferred name in my application for admission to the College of Coastal Georgia, do I need to request a preferred name through the formal request process?
No. If you listed a preferred name on your admissions application to the College, you do not need to complete a separate request. You would only need to complete a request form if you would like to change or stop using your preferred name.
Do I have to get a new MAC Card if I choose to have a preferred name?
No. Use of a Preferred Name Identification Card is only an option for students. In no way is it a requirement.
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