Coastal Georgia 2027

Engaged Learning – Every Student, Every Time

Campus Mall

Coastal Georgia’s Path to Strategic Growth and Impact

The College of Coastal Georgia’s strategic planning process, initiated in August 2021 in partnership with the Georgia Center for Nonprofits, involved extensive community input. A mid-point refresh in 2023-24 ensured that the strategic goals remained aligned with the College’s mission and addressed emerging challenges in higher education. This process reaffirmed six strategic goals that are now aligned with the broader goals of the University System of Georgia (USG).

This collaborative approach positions the College for continued success through 2027 and beyond, enabling agility in the evolving higher education landscape. As part of this evolution, Coastal Georgia’s strategic goals are structured to support USG’s goals of student success, responsible stewardship, economic competitiveness, and community impact.

Student Success

USG Goal 1: The University System of Georgia will increase degree completion through a robust and intensive approach to access and student success, utilizing data analytics and best practices.

Coastal Georgia Strategic Alignment:

  • Strategic Goal 1: Attract, recruit, and enroll a diverse student body while fostering campus community and belonging:
    • Engage faculty and staff across the College to develop and implement personalized enrollment strategies that attract diverse student populations and foster a sense of belonging.
    • Streamline enrollment to be seamless and student-focused, enhancing the prospective student experience and creating a sense of belonging and campus community connection.
    • Increase the applicant pool by emphasizing the inclusive and supportive campus community.

  • Strategic Goal 2: Drive student success and promote timely degree completion:
    • Provide a coordinated and enriching student experience that helps students achieve timely progression and remain on track to attaining their educational and career goals.
    • Provide meaningful and relevant programming that promotes student success through co-curricular engagement.
    • Build and maintain an inclusive classroom culture to support student success.
    • Create culturally responsive retention and student success strategies that target institutional performance gaps and address the specific needs of diverse student groups.
    • Monitor and track in real-time student engagement to reduce student departure rates.
    • Develop programs to provide students with the workforce skills to thrive as global citizens.
    • Increase engagement through enriching campus employment opportunities for students.
    • Provide accessible, affordable quality education through delivery modalities that meet student needs.
    • Effectively integrate technologies that promote student engagement, support student success, and prepare students for participation in a technological society.

  • Strategic Goal 5: Engage students in a rich academic and co-curricular experience to prepare them for future global careers and lifelong learning:
    • Create a culture of well-being by providing students with mental and physical health support.
    • Engage students as peer mentors to support student development and success.
    • Deliver programming through appropriate modalities and provide professional development for faculty and staff.
    • Provide meaningful and relevant programming and engagement opportunities.
      • Design a comprehensive First-Year Experience and embed a newly developed student success course.
      • Implement and leverage the Endeavor framework to create collaborative, interdisciplinary, and experiential learning opportunities that bridge curricular and co-curricular experiences.
    Responsible Stewardship

    USG Goal 2: The University System of Georgia will ensure affordability for students through the wise stewardship of resources and optimizing efficiency across the system.

    Coastal Georgia Strategic Alignment:

    • Strategic Goal 6: Diversify and grow resources and improve operational efficiency and effectiveness at all levels:
      • Optimize key operational processes to enhance efficiency and align with the College’s mission and strategic priorities.
      • Allocate resources strategically to enhance instructional quality, athletic programs, student support services, and administrative functions.
      • Foster an inclusive campus culture that promotes belonging and engagement for students, faculty, and staff within the institution and the broader community.
      • Diversify and grow resources through a comprehensive fundraising campaign, personal and community donors, grants, and corporate partnerships.
    Economic Competitiveness

    USG Goal 3: The University System of Georgia will play a critical role in developing the talent and knowledge for current and future industry needs in the state of Georgia and beyond.

    Coastal Georgia Strategic Alignment:

    • Strategic Goal 4: Enhance the College’s unique identity and increase brand visibility:
      • Establish a unified institutional voice, visual identity, and branding across all unites and departments to enhance communications.
      • Enhance and diversify integrated marketing and outreach efforts to expand the institution’s market base and capacity.
      • Enhance the institution’s visibility and reputation and the ability to communicate diversity as a value-added aspect of the college experience.
      • Support and feature intercollegiate athletics and student wellness offerings to reflect the comprehensive nature of the College.
      Community Impact

      USG Goal 4: University System of Georgia institutions will connect and collaborate with the communities and regions in which they serve to drive innovation and create opportunities for continued economic and quality of life impact. 

      Coastal Georgia Strategic Alignment:

      • Strategic Goal 3: Cultivate and sustain a welcoming and vibrant Mariner culture that engages the community:
        • Enhance and sustain an infrastructure that supports and promotes community and belonging.
        • Expand professional and leadership development opportunities for faculty, staff, and administrators that contribute to a culture of care, support, and belonging.
          • Create a climate where internal stakeholders feel included, valued, empowered, and seen.
          • Enhance opportunities for faculty and staff to share their expertise.
          • Develop and promote mutually beneficial relationships, partnerships, and connections with local and regional communities.
              • Build relationships with alumni to ensure they remain strong advocates for the College.
              • Maximize offerings of varsity athletics, intramurals, club sports, and student well-being activities.