9/11 One Good Deed

September 5, 2016
By: Tedi Rountree

By Brittany Tate

“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a dreary world.” — William Shakespeare, “The Merchant of Venice”

Almost 15 years ago on Sunday, September 11, the world underwent a traumatic experience that essentially changed the way people talked to and interacted with each other. When the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed, the spirit and resiliency of the American people fell into a slough of despond. But as the many brave individuals began to lend a hand to their fellow neighbors in need, the nation — mourning the extensive loss of life —began to heal, reemerging from the clouds of dust and rubble with great fortitude and courage.

The act of helping others in that time of crisis, however, sparked the inception of the nonprofit group, MyGoodDeed, the following year. Inspired by the remarkable goodness, compassion and unity that people expressed immediately after the attacks, MyGoodDeed birthed 9/11 Day with a mission solely aimed at creating a permanent and positive way to observe Sept. 11 each year.

By 2009, Congress joined together with President Barak Obama to pass the bipartisan legislation, officially recognizing the tragic day as a National Day of Service and Remembrance. Today, more than 30 million Americans observe 9/11 by doing a good deed, making it the single largest day of charitable activity in U.S. history. CCGA is hoping to make the trend a mainstay on its campuses.

On September 7, from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and September 8, from 11:00 a.m to 1:00 pm, there will be an information table in the Campus Center Lobby where students, faculty, and staff will be able to sign a pledge to do “One Good Deed” on 9/11. A string will be tied around your finger as a symbolic reminder to do one good deed.

We’re encouraging you to use the hashtags, #911Day and #CCGA on your social media to show your pride and make your pledge. It would be awesome if CCGA’s social media could be flooded with photos and posts of people doing good deeds!

On Sunday, September 11, join the CCGA community to compassionately honor and remember the 2,975 individuals who were killed on September 11, 2001, in the terrorist attacks on America.

We honor, too, those who were injured during the attacks, and the many who rose in service in response — the first responders, volunteers, rescue and recovery workers, uniformed safety personnel, and the hundreds of thousands of others who serve, or have served in our armed forces here at home and overseas.

Here’s how to pledge your good deed and help us spread the word:

  1. Visit 911day.org right now and make your pledge to participate this year. It is free and they won’t share your contact info with anyone.
  2. Visit and “Like” our Facebook Fan page at: https://facebook.com/911day.
  3. Follow us on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/911day, and retweet 9/11 Day news and messages using the hash tag #911day.
  4. Share your good deed through your social media channels. #CCGA

What Can I Do?

  • Clean up a neighborhood playground, beach or park
  • Donate books or toys to a shelter
  • Collect sports equipment donations for a youth group
  • Sort and prepare food at a community kitchen/shelter
  • Spend time with retired Veterans and senior citizens
  • Collect school supplies for under-resourced children and schools
  • Volunteer time at a food pantry, animal shelter or senior center.