BY Terry Dickson –
BRUNSWICK | “At precisely 8:46 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001,” Sarah Hartman said, she stood silently in her child’s prekindergarten class in Huntsville, Ala., as word broke that an airplane had struck the first of the Twin Towers in New York.
The news would only get worse on a busy day of running errands and working on a book fair. But her husband did something that day that changed their lives and those of their children.
He had been in the Navy but was studying for the ministry, she said.
“He needed a retirement and ministers don’t get retirement,” Hartman said.
He decided to go back into the service — then with the Army Reserves — and was standing with his right hand raised taking his oath on 9/11 when the officer administering it stopped in mid-sentence.
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