By: Tedi Rountree
July 13, 2015

Amber Jordan

Amber Jordan

Number 28, July 14, 2015

Amber Jordan ’16 has a smile that lights up a room, a heart to match, and three goals in life she is determined to achieve. This business major is all business when it comes to her dreams.

“My #1 priority is to graduate in the spring,” she declared. “I’ve been working at the Salvation Army since I was 16. After graduating from Brantley County High School in 2006, I was working fulltime, so I was only a part-time college student. Finally, after five years, I saved enough to go to school fulltime and focus on my goals.”

Her #2 priority is a post-graduation goal. “I want to find a career – not a job – that I love,” she said. “I want to work in a non-profit organization.” She is passionate about helping others. “Even a small change can make a big difference to someone else.”

Jordan works as a student assistant to Andrew Smith, Director of Student Activities, in the Student Life office. As the volunteer coordinator, she not only volunteered herself for campus and community projects, but also implemented a plan to coordinate opportunities and activities which students can be passionate about, such as the biannual beach sweeps and the American Cancer Society’s annual Relay for Life.

As president of the Spanish Club, she wants the organization to add to campus and community diversification by promoting cultural learning experiences. “The Hispanic culture is lively, with many sub-cultures – just look at all the different dances. We tend to classify them as one culture – Hispanic/Latina – but each country has distinctive traditions. The Spanish language is beautiful, but there is more to Spanish culture than the language, such as the close families and strong relationships,” she explained. “That family connectedness is such an awesome thing.”

She is also working on a city planning committee to develop a Hispanic festival with authentic cuisines at Mary Ross Park one Saturday this fall. The local Hispanic community will be hosting the event and the Spanish Club will be participating.

She added, “The more people I meet and the more different they are from me, the more I can learn from them.”

Her third goal in life is happiness, defined as being fulfilled, “to be doing something worthwhile,” in addition to remaining close to her family

That desire for closeness sends her back to her hometown – Omaha, Nebraska – every summer. “We moved to Brunswick when I was ten years old,” she said. “Believe it or not, the older I get, the more I miss snow and Runza restaurants. A Runza sandwich is always the first thing I stop for when we get to Omaha.” The trademarked sandwich is described as “fresh-baked bread stuffed with ground beef, onions, cabbage and a proprietary blend of spices” with additions such as melted cheese and mushrooms optional. “They are addictive!” she claimed.

“So I will tackle each goal, one at a time,” she concluded. “And I will share my smiles with everyone on campus and in the community.”

She laughed. “I’m such an open book. I love this school and the life I am experiencing here with all the different people I am meeting. Yes, I love life.”