By: Tiffany King
December 28, 2015

Courtney Kilpatrick

Courtney Kilpatrick ’18

Number 52, December 29, 2015

Courtney Kilpatrick drives to campus for classes daily at the College of Coastal Georgia from her home in nearby Jesup.

She was interested in other schools after graduating from Wayne County High, but she chose our Brunswick school admittedly because she wasn’t ready to leave home.

She is close to her family and wanted to continue to live with her parents and older sister in Jesup while furthering her education.

But Kilpatrick doesn’t just show up for class and leave campus as soon as she has the chance. She is friends with several students and spends a lot of time participating in campus activities and even just hanging out in the places that are popular for that such as the Student Activities Center and also the Campus Center.

Kilpatrick, a sophomore, also used to work for Overboard Entertainment and can often be seen participating in some of fun-filled events for students that the organization puts together.

She also spends time outside of class working for the athletic department as a part-time student game worker. The last two years, she has worked the scoreboard at home volleyball games and also operates the shot-clock during home basketball games at Howard Coffin Gym.

“I wanted a job on campus because I knew I was going to be in Brunswick for a while and also I was just interested in athletics,” says Kilpatrick, who played both soccer and softball at her high school. She also worked home athletic events as a volunteer through student council.

“I used to play sports and this gave me the opportunity to work with sports.”

Kilpatrick has been very dependable and consistently does a good job, said Coastal Georgia sports information director Kevin Price who works with the student assistants who help with athletic events on campus.

Kilpatrick said she enjoys having a front row seat as she works home events.

“I like being able to see everything that is going on,” she says.

Kilpatrick said she would probably come to most home games even if she wasn’t working. She tries to get fellow students to come to games as well.

“Most people’s excuse is they don’t have time to come to games,” she explains, “but I tell them they should because it’s fun and they need to support our college teams. Even if they aren’t sports fans, they should go to at least one game.”

Kilpatrick admits she sometimes rather be sitting in the stands cheering on the Mariners with fellow students, but knows she has a job to perform as a game worker.

“I like when the games are close and you don’t know who is going to win,” she said. “Yeah, sometimes it is hard not to cheer for our teams, but I know we can’t be unprofessional.”

Kilpatrick is pursuing a degree in education.

She hopes to become a math teacher. Kilpatrick is good at math, but her main purpose for becoming a school teacher would be to hopefully positively influence young people.

“I do a lot of stuff already to help kids. I love kids,” Kilpatrick says. “I’ve volunteered to tutor and play games with children in after-school programs at home and I also teach children’s church at our church.”

Kilpatrick knows a potential teaching career could take her away from home, but as one might guess, she knows where she would like to launch her career as an educator if possible.

“I’m leaning toward teaching back in Jesup,” she said.