By: Tedi Rountree
May 18, 2015

Ryan Hurlock

Number 20, May 19, 2015

Ryan Hurlock ’15 graduated May 9 with a B.B.A. and the distinction of being the 2014-2015 Outstanding Business Student, awarded earlier in the month at the annual Honors Day celebration. The Woodbine native, a graduate of Camden County High School, completed his freshman and sophomore coursework at the College’s Camden Center in Kingsland but most of his upper-level classes have been at the Brunswick campus. This year he served as the Camden Center senator to the Student Government Association (SGA).

“The Camden Center is a beautiful campus with great potential,” he said. “I just wish more courses were offered there, particularly for the non-traditional students who are also working in Camden County.”

He credits another senator, Kristina Polakovic, with getting him interested in SGA. “I discovered it was a good way to get involved in campus life. SGA really provides students with opportunities for input, and for me, it became a way to contribute – to give back to the school.”

His service included participating on the Athletic Committee, the Student Activity Fee Committee, working on the College float for the Brunswick Christmas parade, and participating in the Student Affairs Council which reviews and approves new campus clubs and organizations. He also worked as a student assistant in Student Affairs.

His favorite assignment was serving on the Mascot Committee to select the inaugural personification of Mariner pride. He became one of a handful of students who donned the Captain Jack costume. “I was the one who wore the Superman socks,” he laughed. “I’ve been a huge Superman fan since I was a kid.”

He had fun acting out what Captain Jack represented. “I’m kind of a goofy person,” he admitted. “I think making things fun goes along with marketing and serving as the embodiment of a mascot is a public relations challenge.

“Captain Jack personifies our College spirit. Coastal Georgia is a creative learning environment. To me, the Captain is about leading the way,” he explained. “Onboard, sailors lead us in the right direction and I’m serious about the College’s progression.”

Hurlock’s personal progression has graduate school next on the plan. “One of my passions is sports, so sports management is one career possibility. But that’s a tight field. An M.B.A.  offers me more career flexibility and it makes sense, since the business side of sports is what I would pursue.” He is planning to attend the University of North Florida next fall. “And who knows? Maybe 20 years from now I’ll be the general manager of the New York Mets. Now that would be a dream come true!”

As he graduates, Hurlock hopes he’ll be remembered as a contributor to the College’s growth, a student willing to go “above and beyond.”

He summarized his personal philosophy: “Live life to the fullest. Enjoy it all. Make the most of every moment – including the small ones.”