Archives: Reg Murphy Pubs

Invasive Species can be Costly

I recently came across an article in a Savannah newspaper about an exotic lizard that seems to be thriving in south Georgia. The black and white Tegu lizard (Salvator merianae) is native to South America, but apparently makes a great pet for some North Americans who enjoy the reptile’s high intelligence, calm disposition, and apparent interest in humans. This large lizard grows up to about 4 feet in length, lives to about 20 years, and has a hearty appetite for things like fruits, vegetables, eggs (of all sorts), pet food, and small animals. Unfortunately, these pet owners do not always properly care for these animals and some have been released into south Georgia’s Toombs and Tattnall counties – just a few counties over from our own.

Why the big headline in the Savannah paper? Tegus stand to wreak havoc in south Georgia (as they have in Florida) as an invasive species. The Tegu reproduces quickly, lives a relatively long life, and has a diet that could pose a threat to native wildlife like gopher tortoises and ground-nesting birds (recall the Tegus’ penchant for eggs). While I am not a wildlife biologist, I do have a background in biology and my expertise is in environmental policy. So, here is one thing I can extract from this story; stemming the population of an invasive species is not only important from an environmental perspective, but from an economic one as well.

Georgia has no shortage of economic stories associated with invasive species. Perhaps the most famous example throughout Georgia is kudzu brought over from Asia. Kudzu has earned the nickname “the vine that ate the south” and controlling this alarmingly fast-spreading invasive species has been a labor intensive and economically costly task since at least the early 20th century. The US Department of Agriculture estimates that it spreads at a rate of approximately 150,000 acres annually at a cost of $6 billion in herbicide controls each year. According to the Georgia Forestry Commission, other plant species like the Asian privet and Japanese climbing fern are causing similar challenges. Invasive species outcompete native species meaning there is less food up and down the food chain and the ecosystem can become compromised. In Georgia, our pine forests are a particularly important recreational and economic (industry) driver; when they are compromised, we see the effects on our biological and economic systems.

While the Department of Agriculture, the UGA Center for Invasive Species, the Georgia Forestry Commission, and the Department of Natural Resources are all working hard to monitor and control these species through action plans and management programs, they also rely on the public to help. In short, they need the public to educate themselves on species that are not native to Georgia and report areas where these species are spreading. While kudzu has a stronghold in the state that has led to a huge price tag, mitigating the spread of a species like the Tegu early on could help to avoid such costs entirely.

The mantra here is “if you see something, report it.” Here are some resources that can help:

From the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division:

Report tegu sightings in the wild to DNR. This helps biologists document occurrences and determine the best response. Note the location, take a photo and report the sighting:

Toombs and Tattnall County residents are advised to keep pet food inside, cover outdoor openings and clear their yards of debris that can provide cover for tegus.

Be a responsible pet owner: Georgians should do their research before buying an exotic pet, and don’t let it loose.

University of Georgia Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health:

Georgia Invasive Species Task Force:

Dr. Heather Farley is a professor of Public Management in the School of Business and Public Management at College of Coastal Georgia. She is an associate of the College’s Reg Murphy Center for Economic and Policy Studies. 

The Amazon – A Tragedy of the Commons

The recent attention to the fires in the Amazon rainforest has given way to discussion, namely on social media, about the extent of the problem and what can be done about it.

Data from Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research show that fire incidents in the Amazon are indeed 80% higher from 2018 to 2019, but in fact the number is just 7% higher than the average over the last 10 years. That is not to say that these fires are not troubling, detrimental, and newsworthy. Rather, I am attempting to frame this issue as an ongoing one rather than a sudden crisis. Increasing fires in the Amazon have not resulted from sudden impacts of climate change nor a singular political policy, but rather from a more systemic set of economic and political conditions.

Brazil is considered a developing nation. Though it is the largest economy in South or Central America, and the 9th largest in the world, its low GDP per person, high inequality rates, low standards of living, and high infant mortality rates keep it from being considered developed. As such, economic growth is a central concern of both citizens and the government. In the last 50 years, much of this growth has been seen in the area of agribusiness. Through pro-development government policies – subsidies, government provided equipment, lax enforcement of laws – plenty of incentives have spurred production in the cattle, citrus, and soybean industries in Brazil.

In fact, Brazil is the world’s leading exporter of soybeans and the world’s top cattle and veal producer according to the USDA. 60% of the Amazon rainforest is within Brazil and this is where a great deal of deforestation and fire-setting in exchange for economic growth (i.e. agribusiness) is taking place. What is happening in the Amazon is a perfect example of the Tragedy of the Commons.

In 1968, philosopher Garrett Hardin wrote a piece called “The Tragedy of the Commons” which described a game theory problem. When a natural resource is shared by many individuals, in this case the Amazon, and is unregulated, there is an incentive on the part of individuals to exploit that resource for their own benefit. The result, in Hardin’s view, is a spoiled, exploited resource.

Essentially, this is what we are seeing in the Amazon. This common resource is being exploited for the economic benefit of farmers – who, by the way can’t be blamed for wanting to find an economically feasible means of subsistence – at the expense of the resource. The government has laxed regulation around deforestation and has incentivized these farming practices and we are witnessing the results.

Hardin’s conclusion was that only top-down governmental solutions or free-market solutions could help alleviate this tragedy. Nobel prize winner, Elinor Ostrom, later demonstrated that a collapse of the commons is not a foregone conclusion if those sharing the resource work together to govern the commons. In other words, the tragedy is removed if a nested system involving the community, the government, and the market can be agreed upon.

It isn’t a neat and simple solution, but then the problem is complex and requires a complex solution. The farming community would need an alternative means of subsistence and economic viability, the government would have to follow through on regulations, and we as global consumers would have to remove the demand for the cattle products. It isn’t as easy as donating to Leonardo Dicaprio’s Earth Alliance, but it is what empirical evidence suggests might just work.

Dr. Heather Farley is a professor of Public Management in the School of Business and Public Management at College of Coastal Georgia. She is an associate of the College’s Reg Murphy Center for Economic and Policy Studies. 

Big Tobacco and Big Vaping – History Repeating Itself?

1 in 5 high school students are now vaping nicotine using e-cigarettes. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), in just one year (2017 to 2018) the number of high schoolers who reported their use of e-cigarettes jumped by nearly 10 percentage points from 11% to 20.9%; this number equates to about 3 million young people according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As with the tobacco debate in the United States, such high numbers spark questions about the role of the government in public health.

Policymakers have taken note of the dramatic jump in vaping and have created stricter regulations around electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) in the last several years. Most of this regulation is just beginning to roll out now. The FDA, for instance, now requires sale only to individuals over the age of 18 and includes ENDS in their definition of tobacco products under the 2009 Tobacco Control Act; this means ingredients will now be required on packaging, for instance.

In the new wave of e-cigarettes and regulation, it is worth exploring the history of the U.S.  tobacco debate and how it informs our present course.

Many readers will recall a time in the mid-20th century when cigarettes were not only popular, but advertised as healthy. Such claims were made in the name of marketing rather than data, of course, but they allowed cigarette use to take a serious hold in American culture. As normative scientific studies started to reveal the deleterious effects of tobacco use, the tobacco industry responded by claiming there was scientific uncertainty and lack of proof. After nearly a half a century of unprecedented corporate success, the industry fought hard to push back against the science that threatened to undo their achievements. CEO’s within the tobacco industry came together to fund more, not less, scientific inquiry into the safety of cigarettes. The trouble was that they only funded skeptics of the causal relationship between smoking and disease, which amplified a minority opinion that was not based in large-scale data.

At the same time, the industry poured huge amounts of money into Congress and created a strong lobby with significant influence in U.S. government. They continued to advertise using paid doctors, dentists, and celebrities as a central strategy for disrupting the science that threatened their industry. It should not be understated how brilliantly effective the tobacco industry was, and is, at creating a narrative that supports their products. They are, quite simply, masters of public relations.

By the mid-1960s, advocacy groups, the U.S. Surgeon General, and the court system jointly attacked the industry in such a way that regulation and litigation ultimately led to the erosion of Big Tobacco’s power. We now see the rise of a new nicotine delivery system, but not necessarily new strategies for product success.

Fast forward 50 years, and we find similar strategies creeping up once more. When teens are asked what they think is in e-cigarettes, 66% report that they believe it is just flavoring and 13.7% don’t know (NIDA). The reason? Manufacturers have not been required to disclose ingredient information or risks on packaging until recently, and e-cigarettes have been marketed to youth through appealing flavors and packaging meant to mimic kid-friendly food items such as Reddi-wip, Nilla Wafers and Warheads candy.

Other tactics that the e-cigarette industry have been using include offering scholarships, using social media marketing, sponsoring music events, and once again pouring money into political campaigns and lobbying efforts. Just this year, as Congress considers raising the tobacco and vaping product purchase age from 18 to 21, e-cigarette leader, Juul Labs, gave nearly $100,000 to members of Congress through the company’s political action committee.

As in so many public policy issues, it’s important to follow the money – the advertising money, the political action committee money, and the public relations dollars – to ensure that history does not repeat itself. While representatives of the e-cigarette industry claim to have the interests of youth at heart, their actions seem to suggest otherwise. It will ultimately fall to government to study, track, and protect the public’s health on this one.

Dr. Heather Farley is a professor of Public Management in the School of Business and Public Management at College of Coastal Georgia. She is an associate of the College’s Reg Murphy Center for Economic and Policy Studies. 

Link to the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

2020 Census: Impacts, Challenges, and the Future of the Federal Count

On June 18th, a joint meeting of the Brunswick City and Glynn County Commissioners was held to hear from a representative of the U.S. Census Bureau about the upcoming 2020 census. The aim was to ensure that Glynn County has an accurate count next year so they can secure as much federal funding as possible for local uses.

Census Day is April 1, 2020 and households will be asked to respond either by mail, phone, or online. Just 5% of households will receive their invitation in person when a census taker drops it off, and less than 1% will be counted in person (in very remote areas of the U.S.).

The U.S. Constitution mandates a decennial census count in Article I, Section 2. For those who have never paid much attention to the U.S. Census, it may seem like a benign or perhaps even irritating civic duty, but the implications of census data are far reaching and long-lasting. A lot can happen in a community during the decade in which census data are in place each cycle. For instance, according to the U.S. Census Bureau between 2000 and 2010, self-identified Hispanics and Asians grew by 43% each; this represents 1% and 5% of the total U.S. population respectively. These numbers have implications for election politics, social assistance programs, and language accessibility among other issues. Taxation, representation in government, federal grant funding for local programs and services, redistricting, community and business planning, and public policy research are all heavily dependent on census data. In fact, the Georgia Municipal Association estimates that each Georgian that participated in the 2010 census effectively brought $1,639.10 into the state through funding mechanisms.

The 2020 census is facing some interesting challenges, however. First, in a pre-census study conducted by the Census Bureau, fewer than seven in ten households said they intend to participate in the 2020 census. Of those who said they were not likely to participate, the majority were younger, less educated respondents. With a college education rate of just 29% in Glynn County, this could be an issue. Glynn County did, however, beat the national average with an 82% response rate in 2010. Next, about 5% of our population reside in “hard-to-count” areas. This is common in more rural areas of the country, but also seems to impact minority populations like African Americans and Hispanics more so than Non-Hispanic white populations. Likewise, 20.5% of Glynn County’s households have no or low internet access. Given that the 2020 census is making a long overdue push for electronic submission of data, our County may need to strategically deploy census workers to help cover these gaps.

Finally, the pre-census survey indicated that there is 1) high mistrust in government, 2) low (33%) familiarity with the census purpose, and 3) significant concern (about 25%) about repercussions related to census responses. If U.S. households do not trust the process, we will not see a positive response rate. The Supreme Court just struck down the inclusion of a citizenship question proposed by the Trump administration on the 2020 census. It appears that the fight over such a question is not, however, quite done. Whether you agree with such a question or not, it seems probable that such a requirement would impact response rates, particularly in areas of the state with Hispanic populations and will, undoubtedly, have far-reaching impacts for our state.

The information that can guide our decision-making around the census process is out there. We know where our vulnerabilities exist and where we need to deploy special attention. It will be important to use these data strategically to ensure an accurate count in our county and ensure that we have full access to the more than $675 billion in federal aid that is distributed to state and local governments using census numbers every year.

Link to the 2020 Census Barriers, Attitudes, and Motivators Study Survey Report:

Dr. Heather Farley is a professor of Public Management in the School of Business and Public Management at College of Coastal Georgia. She is an associate of the College’s Reg Murphy Center for Economic and Policy Studies. 

From the Murphy Center

I recently had the good fortune to visit San Juan, Puerto Rico while on vacation with my family. I’m not sure what I expected when we arrived, but I was surprised nonetheless. I knew that the recovery from Hurricane Maria in 2017 was still underway, but was interested to find that rebuilding was at very different stages in different parts of the city. Some areas looked virtually untouched by the hurricane while other areas were almost completely abandoned, boarded up, or still patched with tarps. It was clear that some Puerto Ricans had bounced back faster than others.

One of our Uber drivers was a lovely woman who had been living in neighboring Carolina for many years and who, until recently, worked for the Ritz Carlton San Juan for 19 years. She explained to us that she has been out of work since the hurricane, but that she felt financially secure because the Ritz Carlton released her 401K earnings without penalty to her. So, between her 401K and Uber rides, she was doing fine. This made me think, however, about those who did not have retirement funds, emergency funds, or other such resources to help them recover following a crisis. Simple observation revealed that the ability to adapt was not universal here.

Adaptation is a major theme in the sustainability and climate change literature right now. Reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the most recent Fourth National Climate Assessment both clearly state that we are presently dealing with real impacts from climate change around the country and that adaptation strategies are of imminent importance. Unfortunately, low-income communities are least able to adapt and, therefore, most likely to feel the disproportionate brunt of climate impacts.

The National Climate Assessment explains that low-income communities already have higher rates of adverse health conditions, are statistically more likely to be exposed to environmental hazards, and do not have the resources to bounce back from natural disasters. They have less access to the information and institutions that can help them prepare for and avoid the health risks associated with climate change, according to the report. All of these vulnerabilities put them at higher climate adaptation risk.

The City of Brunswick is one such community as evidenced by its designation as a Federal Opportunity Zone – areas with poverty rates greater than 20% that would benefit from investment incentives. An important consideration when we are making decisions related to climate or natural disaster adaptation, therefore, is participation. Decision-makers are responsible for prioritizing the locations of physical protections, infrastructure, emergency shelters and public transportation routes. All of these priorities heavily impact low-income communities and should be determined with input and participation from those communities. Fortunately, there are several non-profit entities in Glynn County that are well-positioned to facilitate such participation and ensure that not only participation, but information is equalized across the County. Their swift and unwavering attention to such an aim will certainly be an important factor in the ability of the 20% of Glynn County residents who live in poverty to adapt to climate change and natural disasters.

Dr. Heather Farley is a professor of Public Management in the School of Business and Public Management at College of Coastal Georgia. She is an associate of the College’s Reg Murphy Center for Economic and Policy Studies.  

Community, College Participate in County Planning Effort

Most students who attend College of Coastal Georgia have an opportunity to participate in one or more service-learning classes. Since 2011, CCGA has used service-learning as the anchor of its quality enhancement plan and has not just developed a rich program, but a culture of service at the college. These faculty-developed courses allow students to participate in organized service experiences that respond to a wide spectrum of community needs.

One such need was identified for me by county commissioner Allen Booker and the Glynn County Planning and Zoning department. The county released their 2018 comprehensive plan last fall which, among other things, identified areas in our community in need of redevelopment.

One area that stood out was the Arco community, which roughly spans from Altama Avenue to Newcastle street (East to West) and Q Street to Community Road (South to North). Last year, Commissioner Booker worked to have a soccer field put in at Paulk Park within the Arco Neighborhood as an anchor project for greater revitalization in the area; that park is now under renovation and the field has been completed. The larger vision for revitalization will be laid out in the community redevelopment plan that the County Planning and Zoning department initiated, but quickly realized needed to be spearheaded by the community itself; this is where service-learning comes in.

This semester, 10 students in my upper division Managing State and Local Government class worked to create tools to help assist the Arco/Washington Heights/Lawrenceville Neighborhood Association in their efforts to inform the planning department through the redevelopment process. The students created a community profile document that laid out everything from street light locations to demographics to land use data, and a short survey that the neighborhood association can use to gather feedback from interested parties in the area.

Beyond gaining some satisfaction that they were able to participate in the revitalization of one of the county’s oldest neighborhoods, the students learned some valuable lessons about successful planning processes.

Namely, by turning the process over to the neighborhood association, the county recognized that they cannot foresee or understand every variable or need that may impact the project. Planners have tremendous technical expertise, but those living within the community hold valuable information and perspectives that can only make the planning process more effective.

Involving residents and community leaders in the planning process also ensures long term viability and stability. City councils, planners, commissioners and managers come and go, but as we learned through this class, many of Arco’s residents have been and intend to be around for many years. Building their feedback into the process improves the likelihood that this redevelopment plan will last through the years.

While our CCGA students played a limited role in this redevelopment process, the Arco/Washington Heights/Lawrenceville Neighborhood Association co-chairs, Odis Muhammad and Moses Clark, have a long road ahead in gathering perspectives, ideas, and feedback from their community.

Involving the public is never an easy task. I am optimistic, however, that the benefits to this approach will be plentiful and lead to long-term sustainability in the community.

  • Heather Farley
  • Reg Murphy Center

Women economists help push the world forward

You may recall that the last time I wrote for the Murphy Center column, I wrote on Dr. Janet Yellen, one of the leading women in economics and one of my professional heroes. From the moment I finished and submitted that piece, my colleagues and I began naming other extraordinary female economists we would have liked to include.

So, although women’s history month is now behind us, I have decided to devote one more week to summarizing the contributions of a couple more economics heroes who are also women.

The first name that comes to my mind when I think of women in economics is Elinor Ostrom. Dr. Ostrom’s formal education was in political science, but she was the first — and, so far, the only — female to win the Nobel Prize in Economics. She was also a friend and co-author of my advisor in graduate school, so I “grew up” as an economist hearing about her and admiring her work.

Ostrom’s Prize-winning work was on effective management of common resource goods. These are goods, such as neighborhood dog park, which everyone may use but which will become unpleasant and/or unusable over time if no one takes responsibility for maintaining it. Ostrom showed that the successful management of such resources can be accomplished by small groups of invested and accountable individuals without government intervention.

My favorite Ostrom contributions are in the field of economic development. She spent much of her career studying developing economies and contributed much to our understanding of what types of aid are helpful and what types are harmful to local economies.

Another of the most influential women in economics is Anne Krueger. Many believe Dr. Krueger will be the world’s second female recipient of the Noble Prize for Economics. Dr. Krueger earned her PhD in Economics from the University of Wisconsin in 1958 and has spent her career both in academia and with significant stints at The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. She currently holds research positions at Stanford, Johns Hopkins and the National Bureau of Economic Research. Her work is so extensive that her Curriculum Vitae is 44 pages long and begins with a table of contents.

Anne Krueger first became well-known for her work on a topic she named rent seeking. In this case, rent is best understood as profit, and rent seeking occurs when firms devote resources to obtaining and maintaining profit through political means. For example, Georgia Power, a regulated monopolist, has 30 lobbyists registered with the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission in 2019. These lobbyists are rent seeking on Georgia Power’s behalf, working to maintain their monopoly and arguing against lowering utility rates. Krueger showed that rent seeking causes inefficiencies in markets since resources are being spent playing politics rather than improving production.

Since her publications on rent seeking, Krueger has spent her career working in international trade and economic development, including application of rent seeking in developing economies, where individuals or firms devoted immense resources to obtaining licenses to import goods, draining resources that could have been used to further production in those economies. She also showed that tariffs and protectionist policies do not benefit industry in developing economies.

This brings me to the common thread among my heroes, both male and female, in economics. They not only have incredible academic ability, but they devote that ability to making the world a better place for others.

Dr. Melissa Trussell is a professor in the School of Business and Public Management at College of Coastal Georgia who works with the college’s Reg Murphy Center for Economic and Policy Studies. Contact her at

  • Melissa Trussell
  • Reg Murphy Center

1 Million Cups helps support entrepreneurs in Isles

My next two contributions to this Murphy Center space will deal with local entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship in our community and at the College. Today’s column will update you on our 1 Million Cups program. As part of this, you are invited to our monthly meeting on May 1, 2019. This marks the end of the third year believe it or not.

When we started, several supporters asked me if I expected our meetings to last more than six months. Surely people will lose interest. There can’t be that many entrepreneurs out there. We are, after all, a hospitality and tourism driven market place. These folks are the nicest “doubting Thomas’s” I have ever met — and they come every month.

To tell the story, I need to begin at the beginning. What started us down this road?

You may recall that research by Dr. Don Mathews, Director of the Murphy Center and Professor of Economics at the College, showed our area to be the first, out of Georgia and the United States, into recession in 2007. His research also showed that our area was the last, out of Georgia and the United States, to recover. This is to say, we were in a deep recession for a long, long time. Everyone else looked at us in their rear-view mirrors.

Why? Lots of reasons — industry mix, labor force participation rates, etc. One reason that came out of discussions within the Murphy Center and with our Executive-in-Residence, Reg Murphy, was that our area lacked an entrepreneurial community and a supportive ecosystem. We needed to have people create businesses if we were ever to recover and hopefully catch up.

If this was really the case, then what could we do to stimulate entrepreneurship? In search of answers, we found the 1 Million Cups program developed by the Kauffman Center of Kansas City, the largest nonprofit studying and supporting entrepreneurship. Under this program, entrepreneurs and other interested parties would gather regularly to support others by listening to their entrepreneurial stories, learning about their ventures, helping with their problems and cheering their success.

So, after a year-long wait, 1 Million Cups-Brunswick began with a small number of supporters willing to take a chance. One of the few requirements of the folks in Kansas City was that the event should be held in a nonthreatening environment. Presenters need to be comfortable as many probably don’t like talking to strangers in strange places. While cities have incubators, innovation labs, etc., we have Tipsy McSway’s. What better place than a bar. We may be the only bar — with the best owner/supporter in Susan Bates — in the 1 Million Cups program. In fact, I have had other 1 Million Cups promotors tell me that we have the best place.

So, three years ago, Brunswick became site 78, and one of the first with monthly meetings. We joined Georgia sites in Savannah and Atlanta. Now, there are 181 cities with 7 sites in Georgia (Atlanta, Atlanta-South, Athens, Cherokee, Augusta, Savannah, and Valdosta). Now, the first Wednesday of the month, entrepreneurs, hopeful entrepreneurs, supporters, and the curious show up to listen, question, support, and drink one of a million cups of coffee.

So, come celebrate our third birthday. We will have one entrepreneur present and then we will revisit two entrepreneurial ventures that are bringing renewal to downtown; Eric Vonk of Richland Rum and Chris and Allyson Moline and Chris and Jeff Coyle of Silver Bluff Brewing Company that is growing out the ground as we write.

We have had 60 presenters, all of whom were filmed. You can see them at Go look. Listen to their stories. Discover the entrepreneurs of downtown — bagels on St. Simons, haunted houses in Nahunta, a nonprofit looking to fund research for child cancer, a teenager and a cool food truck — and on and on. More importantly, do you see your story? Better yet. Come join us. It’s only one day a month — in a bar for gosh sake.

  • Reg Murphy Center
  • Skip Mounts

Yellen forged a path for women in economics

In January of this year, the annual conference of the American Economics Association (AEA) was held in Atlanta, and I had the privilege of attending. In a widely publicized session, the three most recent chairs of the Federal Reserve — Jerome Powell (current chair), Janet Yellen, and Ben Bernanke — participated in a panel discussion of top economic issues.

I attended the session, in part to hear the perspectives of our nation’s top economists, but mostly just to be in a room with one of my professional heroes, Dr. Yellen. When she walked into the room, I went whole fangirl, taking selfies with the stage in the background, texting all my friends, and grinning ear to ear. I was just as giddy to see Janet Yellen in January as I was to see Elton John last week.

Dr. Yellen rose to celebrity status as chair of the Federal Reserve Board from 2014 to 2017, through some of the most critical years of our recovery after emerging from the Great Recession. Prior to her appointment as Fed Chair, she served as faculty at Harvard, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and at UC Berkeley. She served several years on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, chaired President Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisors and served as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

These are all accomplishments worthy of great respect. But, what makes her a celebrity and my hero is that she earned her place at the top of a field not historically welcoming to women. This is also why I have chosen to focus on her here during Women’s History Month.

Dr. Yellen graduated from Brown University with a B.A. in economics in 1967 and received her Ph.D. in economics from Yale in 1971. An American Economics Association report published in 1973 surveyed 397 colleges and universities in the U.S. and found that in 1972, only 12 percent of all Economics Ph.D. students were women; 6 percent of all college Economics lecturers, instructors, or professors were women; and only 3 percent of full professors in economics were women.

An update of the same report showed that in 2017, 32.9 percent of Economics PhDs awarded were to women, 20.1 percent of tenure-track professors in economics were women, and 13.9 percent of full professors in Economics are women.

Things have gotten better for women in economics, but the numbers indicate there is still work to be done.

And, this is where our hero swoops in again!

During that panel session in Atlanta, all three of the panelists agreed that when we are not intentional about including women and minorities, “We’re losing a major source of talent and insight” (Bernanke). Ben Bernanke is the current president of the AEA, and Janet Yellen will be the next president. Bernanke and Yellen agreed that recruiting more women to the field and improving the professional environment for women “should be the highest priority for us.”

I can think of no one better than Dr. Yellen to lead this effort, and I look forward to being in a room with her again for an update — and maybe also an autograph.

Dr. Melissa Trussell is a professor in the School of Business and Public Management at College of Coastal Georgia who works with the college’s Reg Murphy Center for Economic and Policy Studies. Contact her at

  • Melissa Trussell
  • Reg Murphy Center

Does immigration hurt U.S.-born workers?

People hold all sorts of beliefs about immigrants. A common belief is that immigrants depress wages and take jobs from U.S.-born workers.

And because the fraction of lesser-skilled workers is greater among immigrants than the U.S.-born, many people believe that the workers hurt most by immigration are lesser-skilled U.S.-born workers.

(In case you’re counting, here are the numbers. Among workers 25 years or older, 22 percent of immigrants have less than a high school diploma compared to 4 percent of the U.S.-born.)

Is the belief that immigration reduces the wages and employment of U.S.-born workers supported by the evidence?

Economists have done much research on this question and the results are clear: immigration has little if any effect on the wages and employment of U.S.-born workers, including lesser-skilled U.S.-born workers.

Peruse the dozens of studies that estimate the degree that immigration effects the wages and employment of U.S.-born workers and here’s what you’ll find.

First, immigration is as likely to increase the wages of U.S.-born workers, including lesser-skilled U.S.-born workers, as decrease them.

Second, the effects of immigration on the wages of U.S.-born workers, if there are any effects at all, are puny. In almost all studies, the estimated effect of a percentage point increase in the percentage of immigrants in a labor market ranges between negative 0.3 percent and positive 0.3 percent.

In two-thirds of the studies, the estimated effect ranges between negative 0.1 percent and positive 0.1 percent.

Let’s make clear what that means. Since 2000, the percentage of immigrants in the U.S. labor force has increased from 13.3 percent to 17.1 percent, an increase of 3.8 percentage points.

Suppose the worst case effect is true, that a percentage point increase in the percentage of immigrants in a labor market reduces the wages of U.S.-born workers in that market by 0.3 percent.

That would mean that all the immigration to the U.S. since 2000 has reduced the wages of U.S.-born workers by a total over all those years of 1.14 percent.

Again, that’s the worst-case effect. Research suggests the most likely effect is zero.

Do immigrants take jobs from lesser-skilled U.S.-born workers? On this score, the research is even clearer: no, they don’t.

So we have a puzzle. Immigration increases the supply of labor. Why doesn’t that depress wages?

Because, in addition to increasing the supply of labor, immigration increases the demand for labor. And increases in the demand for labor push wages and employment up.

Immigrants aren’t just workers, they’re consumers. More immigrants means a greater demand for goods and services, which means a greater demand for labor.

Immigrants are also more entrepreneurial than native-born Americans. In the U.S., the percentage of immigrants who become entrepreneurs is double the percentage of native-born Americans who become entrepreneurs. More entrepreneurship means a greater demand for labor.

Further, workers — including immigrant workers — are more likely to be complements of each other than substitutes for each other.

Do architects compete with carpenters in the labor market? Do pipe fitters compete with carpenters in the labor market? No. Workers with different skills complement each other. Each raises the productivity of the others.

Even workers with the same skills often complement each other. Do carpenters compete with carpenters in the labor market? Yes, but carpenters work in teams. Carpenters in a team complement each other; each raises the productivity of the others.

And the more productive workers are, the more valuable they are, and the greater the demand for labor.

Thus, immigration does not depress the wages of U.S.-born workers because immigration increases the demand for labor as much as it increases the supply of labor.

That’s what the evidence says.

  • Don Mathews
  • Reg Murphy Center