Temporary Leave of Absence Process for Students

It is highly recommended that students inform their instructors of any anticipated absences from classes as soon as possible, preferably in advance. This will allow instructors to be informed and to work with students to establish a plan and timeline for completing any missed coursework where applicable. Additionally, students should review the Class Attendance Policy and the course syllabi to gain a better understanding of class attendance expectations and requirements for make-up work.

Critical and Emergency Situations:

There are a variety of unforeseen events or circumstances that may constitute emergencies and result in a student’s absence from class. Examples include, but are not limited to, hospitalizations, family deaths, life-threatening illnesses, safety-related concerns, terminal illnesses, complications related to pregnancy or parenting, interpersonal violence, natural disasters, crime victimization, and accidents. If such situations arise, students should contact the Dean of Students’ office to assist students in providing support services and notifying the relevant College staff and faculty.

Non-emergency Situations:

Examples of situations that may not be considered emergencies include, but are not limited to, doctor’s appointments, illnesses such as colds, flu, allergies, nausea, staph infection, strep throat, mono, headaches, sprains or falls, inclement weather, relationship conflicts, roommate conflicts, and family member acute illness. While students have the option to inform their instructors and provide relevant medical documentation, some may prefer not to disclose such information to all instructors. In such cases, documentation may be submitted to the Dean of Students’ Office, who will coordinate with Academic Affairs to review and to determine the notification process to instructors.

Students may contact the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, and Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Michael Butcher, at mbutcher@ccga.edu and 912-279-5815.

Please note that frequent or prolonged absences from class can hinder a student’s ability to perform well academically. Therefore, students who anticipate repeated absences due to an ongoing medical condition are encouraged to contact Accessibility Services for possible accommodations.